About Exodus
An interview with Chloe Sun
EV: What led you to start researching the book of Exodus?
CS: It came as an invitation from Langham and its editorial committee. Before the invitation, I wanted to write a commentary in the Asia Bible Commentary series from my cultural context as an Asian woman living in the diaspora. I am so glad my sample chapter was well received, and that’s how I started researching and writing the book.
EV: What are some of the primary themes that stand out to you from the book of Exodus?
CS: Traditionally, Exodus is considered a book of redemption, law, and God’s presence. However, through a diasporic lens, it is also a book of migration, the ambivalence between home and new lands, liminality, a journey of becoming God’s people and experiencing God’s presence through local churches in the diaspora.
EV: Who’s your target audience, and what’s distinctive about your commentary?
CS: My target audience is primarily those who live in the diaspora, especially the Chinese and other diasporans. It is also for those interested in understanding Exodus through this particular lens to enrich their understanding of the book and how it is received in the context of the diaspora.
EV: Did you have any “aha” moments while writing the commentary?
CS: Yes, I have included 16 topics about Chinese/Asian contexts in the book. One of the aha moments was when I realized Egypt did not practice the Sabbath, but God commanded the Israelites to keep it even during the tabernacle’s construction process. That was mind-blowing for me. In contrast, many Chinese/Asian pastors do not practice Sabbath and idolize ministry as a way of life.
EV: What was the most challenging part of writing it?
CS: One challenge is to find relevance in reading the laws through the lens of the Chinese/Asian diaspora since different countries practice law differently.
EV: Why should people consider preaching and teaching from the book of Exodus?
CS: Exodus is foundational for understanding biblical theology of redemption, law, and God’s presence. It is a book about “Who is YHWH?” God reveals his name and action through various images, including those of a divine warrior, healer, provider, law-giver, and incarnational God who desires to dwell with his people. Preaching and teaching Exodus enhances our appreciation of God and his work
About the Author

Chloe Sun (PhD, Fuller Theological Seminary) is Professor of Old Testament and Program Director of the Chinese Studies Center at Fuller Theological Seminary.