
Discussion Groups

As part of our Scholars and Shepherds initiative in partnership with Bishop Kenneth Ulmer, we’re piloting discussion groups that draw together a diverse group of ministry leaders and academics to explore topics of key concern for the church. Our hope is to foster community and learn from each other as we all bring our varied backgrounds and experiences to the conversation. See below for options and sign-up. Space is limited, so reserve your spot now.

Dates & Topics

We’re currently offering two discussion groups, which will meet over Zoom for four weeks in August:

Teaching and Ministering in a Polarized World
Tuesdays, 5:30–6:30 PDT / 8:30–9:30 EDT

August 2, 9, 16, & 23
Led by Every Voice director Brittany Kim

Have you found it challenging to serve students or congregants in our polarized climate? Join us as we dialogue about the polarizing dynamics we face and consider how Jesus may be inviting us to respond.

Book study of Redemptive Kingdom Diversity: A Biblical Theology of the People of God by Jarvis Williams
Thursdays, 5–6pm PDT / 8–9pm EDT
August 4, 11, 18, & 25
Led by Every Voice director Andrew King

Are you wondering how to foster multicultural community or how best to shepherd students or congregants through conversations about race? Reading Redemptive Kingdom Diversity will help us develop a more solid biblical foundation for addressing racial issues and will serve as a jumping off point for in-depth discussions about how we can live as a diverse people of God today.

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