Publishing as an Ethnic Minority
or Majority World Scholar Webinar

August 16, 9am PDT / 12pm EDT

Publishing in biblical and theological studies is intimidating for almost everyone. But this difficulty is compounded for ethnic minority and Majority World scholars for a variety of reasons. For example, some lack connections in the publishing world or may be uncertain how to navigate academic gatekeepers. They can also struggle with the question of whether to risk being pigeonholed by addressing topics of concern for their communities (such as immigration for Latino/a scholars) or focus on more ‘mainstream’ scholarship. This webinar will help attendees think through what approach is best for them as they consider their unique interests and situations.


Dr. Elizabeth Mburu

Regional Coordinator of Langham Literature in Africa,
Associate Professor of New Testament and Greek
Pan-Africa Christian University

Dr. M. Daniel Carroll R.

Scripture Press Ministries Chair of Biblical Studies and Pedagogy
Wheaton College

Anna Moseley Gissing

Senior Acquisitions Editor
Baker Academic

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